Sunday, April 29, 2012

Jerry Bridges on Faithfulness

"The faithful person is one who is dependable, trustworthy, and loyal, who can be depended upon in all of his relationships, and who is absolutely honest and ethical in all of his affairs.  God wants us to be dependable even when it costs us. This is what distinguishes godly faithfulness from the ordinary dependability of secular society." -Jerry Bridges I was reminded of this quote the other day, when for once in my life I shut down all the assignments and internet pages on my computer and saw it on a "sticky-note." It's honestly one of my favorite quotes and a concept we can all ought to strive for. Faithfulness. One thing I am continually amazed by is God's faithfulness, truly through every trial, suffering and heartache, we can fully rely on the fact that God is perfectly reliable, without any deviation in his response to what he has promised. Yes, without a doubt this is our God, I could go on and on about it, in fact I think I have before. But what I really am wondering is, are we? Reading through what Jerry Bridges says about faithfulness again I cannot help but think of what a high calling that is. To be perfectly dependable and trustworthy, loyal to those around us in a manner that they can rely on us....even when it costs us? We cannot simply compare ourselves to the rest of society and be satisfied in our dependability because it may meet the world's standards. No, it's godly faithfulness that we are called to strive for. So, let us deny ourselves and our wants and seek to be faithful, dependable, and steadfast in what we are currently being called to do...because in the end, don't we all want to hear "Well done good and faithful servant."?